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How To Change Spray In Gmod


Note: Changing the color of your decal during a game will not take effect for that game. Only after you restart your game will the new color appear. If you would like to view pre-made decals, several are shipped with Half-Life and can be found in the Half-Life logos directory. A spray that can be used in Source games. It depicts the Black Mesa logo with Gordon Freeman on top of it crowbar-ing a headcrab. (The white is transparent, but I've supplied the source files if you wish to change that). VTF Spray Converter for TF2 Works best with same size images (with transparency or not). Smaller images will be centered. To generate a fading spray enable mipmaps, load a main picture, and then choose another picture under a mipmap of choice. To generate an animated spray select multiple images in the file browser.

How To Change Spray In Gmod On Mac


How To Change Spray Paint In Gmod

How to Use Buttons in Gmod. Select the button model you want and set it to the same numpad number as the mechanism from step 1. If you made a hydraulic door and set the hydraulic system to numpad 1, set the button to numpad 1. Place the button down wherever you desire. Stand close to the button and press the 'Use key (E)' and it will activate your mechanism.